Cognitive AI, ML, & Recommendations

Build data and AI accessible for everyone. Incorporate sophisticated algorithms in your application data without any data science knowledge.

Digital businesses have been overwhelmed with data from many sources – customer interactions, social media feeds, partners and employee interactions, IT systems, digital devices, and many more. Deriving the right insights at the right time from this vast pool of data has become the primary need for every organization. Do you intend to accelerate your time to value through this insights journey?

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Data, AI And ML at Your Fingertips

We at Saxon re-engineer our data and insights processes to amplify your decisions. Modern analytics tools redefine the insights landscape, but there is a gap in communicating these insights with the users as per the business acumen. What if we augment the data and insights journey with Cognitive AI, ML, and Recommendations?

We intuitively leverage AI and ML to understand, suggest, and prepare data for insights as per the business and domain context. It is just not about the data automation; you can leverage pre-trained and pre-built models, business users entitled with machine learning tools, and aid in intelligent insights for your business.

Our experts augment your data preparation and insights journey with AI and ML to accelerate your time to market. By 2025, data storytelling will be the most widely used way of consuming analytics, and 75% of these will be generated automatically leveraging augmented analytics techniques, as per Gartner.

Data, AI And ML at Your Fingertips

AI and ML for Automated Data Preparation and Insights

Data analytics have evolved so much that data exploration and choice of insights have become relatively easier than in earlier years. Modern tools included many capabilities like access to multiple data sources, data preparation, data caching, queries and reporting, interactive dashboards and visualization, modeling, and insights to shorten the time to value for businesses.

AI and ML are now intruding in every business decision, and natural language processing interfaces are one such to ease the insights landscape. There are many ways to leverage AI and ML to accelerate time to value for businesses. A few of them include:

  • Automated data preparation with data profiling and data transformation recommendations
  • Embedding automatic visualization and analysis recommendations
  • Enabling cognitive natural language processing for search and conversational analytics to understand users intent and context to auto-generate reports
  • Identifying KPIs and generating reports automatically
  • Automated forecasting – Invoking any predictive and prescriptive analytics as per the need
  • Anomaly detection and historical analysis
  • Automatic conversion of a question into a query for relevant search and insights

Our Embedded Cognitive AI, ML, and Recommendations

Generating more value is crucial while shortening the time to value in the actual data and analytics process. Leveraging our expertise in cognitive insights, we do the following to improve your analytical processes and experience:

Automated Data Preparation

Data profiling, highlighting data issues, data relation recommendations, and data transformation recommendations to shorten the time to value.

Accelerated Insight Generation

Automatic visualizations and suggestions for any related insights, KPIs and report generation, automated forecasting invoking analytical models, and automated alerts

Cognitive Insights

Enable users to ask questions, leverage natural language processing to analyze the context and content, and provide insights, visualization, and reporting recommendations

Advanced Analytics

Leveraging pre-trained models from platforms like Azure Cognitive services with REST APIs and client library SDKs, we help you derive intelligent insights and enable flexibility. We focus on bringing AI and ML within reach for every developer without any prior machine learning tools expertise.