Elastic Block Storage
Cloud Computing, Other / October, 30 2020

Experience the Dual benefits with new EBS io2 Volume type

(Increased performance and Reduced costs)

In the era of Cloud technology, there has been a tremendous focus on Automation and optimization in terms of performance, cost, storage, especially when you are in a technology market where customers look for the latest trends which satisfy their high-throughput and data-intensive applications

While AWS provides multiple storage solutions which we discussed in the previous blog.

However, if there is a need for the ultimate performance while using EC2 instances/Database/Big data workloads, the primary focus would always be at Amazon EBS.

As most of us are aware , Amazon has introduced extremely powerful and high-performance persistent block storage solution called EBS ‘Elastic Block Storage’ way back in August 2008.

Over the years, there has been constant effort in improvising the capabilities of EBS in terms of increased the ratio of IOPS per gibibyte (GiB) of SSD-backed storage, increased durability, automating EBS backup through Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM).

in August 2020 , AWS has launched io2 volume type at the same price as the existing io1, which provides  higher Durability(2000x more reliable than the commodity disk drive and 100 times higher than io1) and more IOPS per Gibibyte (500 per GiB which is 10 times more compared to io1), Maximum performance of 64000 IOPS, 1000 MB/S with single digit millisecond latencies, which are great for business critical , I/O-hungry ,latency-sensitive applications  and even high performance work loads such as CRM, ERP, OLTP, Databases(Oracle, SQL Server, DB2Apache Cassandra, MySQL, PostgreSQL), SAP HANA.

With this io2 launch, we have 6 different EBS volume types to choose from (as listed below)

volume type

These powerful features reduce the storage failures drastically, thereby increasing the resiliency which enables customers to save costs just by maintaining the primary copy rather managing the duplicate copies of data

EBS volumes are useful and flexible that you can dynamically modify the size, performance, and volume type of your Amazon EBS volumes without detaching them. Not only that, but you can also reattach drives as needed instead of having to deploy and rebalance a new, empty server. You can create new io2 volumes within seconds and you can also change the type of an existing EBS volume io2.

EBS pricing simplified

volume type

You can experience increased durability, agility and performance all in a single ‘io2’ EBS volume

Explore io2 volumes if you need more than 16,000 IOPS. or you need a large amount of IOPS for only a small amount of storage.

You can use EBS st1 volumes smoothed out I/O performance for high-throughput data capture, viz. monitoring dashboards or even Hadoop workloads without increasing the storage cost.

EBS volumes in conjunction with Amazon EC2 P3 instances have proven to develop network compression methods for accelerating the inference of neural networks.

Most of the organizations have optimized the storage costs by leveraging the EBS volumes in combination with other AWS services such as Storage Gateway or RDS , EBS optimized EC2 instances,S3,Tape Gateway mode of AWS Storage Gateway to replace tape backups and writing database backups to a Volume Gateway and by effective usage of EBS Snapshots and AWS Backup service.

Embracing these storage optimization decisions are business decisions, not just technical best practices. 

By using the right types of volumes there could be potential savings that can be up to 40%.

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