Data Security

We enable comprehensive data security wherever your critical data assets are – on-prem, cloud, or anywhere.

Enterprises having a constant need for faster and efficient access to data and analytics at their fingertips have fueled the rise of data lakes usage. Raw data available in native formats stored in repositories often create roadblocks for faster insights.

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Holistic Next-gen Data Security Services for all Your Data

As organizations heavily rely on data, data security threats and data privacy risks are mounting for many digital businesses. Traditional data security approaches can no longer defend you from invisible threats every day. Data is entering your systems from many streams – web, mobile, e-mail, and business apps; a customized solution tailored to your needs can only safeguard you from costly threats.

Our data security consultants can help you overcome any unforeseen data security challenges with holistic next-gen data security services. We can help you to:

Identify data security solutions and frameworks that continue to improve your data agility and scalability

Analyze the existing and new tech stack that may be infused for more control in your business systems

Upgrade your data security posture by identifying gaps

Our Data Security Services – Saxon

Data security assessment and strategy:

Our experts analyze the security controls in place through your data lifecycle and assess the security gaps that need to be addressed for an agile insights journey. We design a robust data security strategy to establish holistic visibility, analyze risks, and scale up your protection accordingly.

Data discovery and monitoring:

We discover where your critical data assets are located, identify the access controls, protection plans in place, and alert mechanisms in place for any unusual activity. Monitor your data usage when the users are on and off your business network.

Data security governance:

We ensure that your data is classified according to the risks and sensitivity, define processes to safeguard the information, and establish metrics for continuous discovery.

Data leak/loss mitigation: Our experts customize your data loss prevention policy to establish controls, procedures, rules, and actions to ensure that inappropriate information sharing and usage is notified for respective business users.

Manage data access and security: We help you standardize data access and automate security with proper authentication, password recovery, and encryption methods.

Areas of Expertise – Saxon


Application Security

The ‘shift left’ approach has gained widespread adoption in the recent past. But with the threats and cyber attacks increasing, security has to be given equal importance in the SDLC. Secure your most critical enterprise applications and data beforehand against internal and external threats.


Cloud Security

Migrating to the cloud is the new norm for businesses to access multiple work environments and lower costs. But it comes with its security challenges. We enable unified visibility across various cloud environments and on-premise. At each stage of your cloud migration, we ensure that security is of utmost priority.


Identity And Access Management

The most critical component in enabling security is establishing proper access management controls for the workforce, customers, and other stakeholders without compromising their experience with the applications. We create customized access management solutions for every stakeholder with design thinking principles so that you can deliver secure and frictionless experiences.


Business Continuity Solutions

Our experts create a dependency analysis and chalk out a disaster recovery plan in case of any data loss or breach due to unforeseen circumstances. Continuous operations, availability, and minimal downtime of applications is ensured with the most effective contingency planning.

Why Saxon?

Our experienced team with over years of data security implementations across industries will help you with end-to-end visibility and control of the data across on-prem or cloud architecture. To be more specific, we enable:

  • Real-world scenario simulations to analyze the protection plans and readiness for robust security measures.
  • Our data security consultants follow a step-by-step approach for adequate security measures in data migration – on-prem to cloud, different databases, or others.
  • We conduct workshops with clients and our data security consultants, customize the data security assessment, identify security gaps in your data, and propose the best data security solutions to enhance your security posture.
  • Our data security consultants assist with best-in-class security solutions throughout the data lifecycle – data creation, stored data, data analyzed for insights, and idle data.